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Juices and Smoothies

Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie

Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie

This refreshing and tangy Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie is a great way to start your day or to nourish your body after a work-out. Blackcurrants are true super foods that boast similar health benefits to Brazilian Acai berries. The great part about blackcurrants is that they are locally grown and are easy to find for most of summer. Blackcurrants, like acai berries, are very rich in vitamin C and particularly high in anthocyanins, the purple-black pigment hat colors the skin of the blackcurrant. These potent antioxidants support cardiovascular health, help fight inflammation and speed up muscle recovery. Read More

Açaí Berry Smoothie

Acai Berry Smoothie

This Açaí Berry Smoothie gives you instant and long-lasting energy. Drink it in the early morning to start your day energised or anytime you need a boost of energy. It’s great on a stressful day, when you are feeling exhausted or need more focus. Açaí berries are the high-energy fruits from a particular palm tree, which grow in the Amazon rainforest. Açaí berries are incredibly rich in vitamin C and anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant, which help fight free-radical damage and can help boost immunity. Guarana is another berry that grows in the Northern parts of Brazil. Read More

Bee Happy Smoothie

Bee Happy Smoothie

This Bee Happy Smoothie with raw cacao and bee pollen is not just super delicious, it makes you happy too! Strawberry, banana and chocolate are a match made in heaven but there’s so much more to this heavenly smoothie! Almond milk, flax and hemp seeds are all great sources of mood-enhancing omega 3 fatty acids. Raw cacao is not only an extraordinary anti-oxidant but it can also help improve our mood, as it boosts serotonin, endorphin and anandamide levels in our brain.Read More

Liquid Sunshine Smoothie

Liquid Sunshine Smoothie

This refreshing and delicious Liquid Sunshine Smoothie is rich in anti-oxidants and nutrients that do only boost your immune system but are also responsible for keeping our skin healthy and glowing. As an immunity-booster, Vitamin C aids the production of white blood cells and antibodies that help fight off infections. Getting in plenty of Vitamin C on a daily basis can even improve your mental balance, your ability to manage stress and boost your performance as an athlete. Read More

Killer Green Smoothie

Killer Greens Smoothie

This Killer Green Smoothie is a great way to eat your veg and enjoy all the benefits of immune-boosting greens. Greens like spinach and spirulina are rich in minerals and chlorophyll, which aid detoxification and help reduce inflammation. This is especially important if you are an athlete or have a daily yoga practice as it will help speed up the recovery of your body’s tissues. Spinach is also a great source of protein, which is an essential building block for your body to renew itself after a work-outRead More

Limonada Suiça

Limonada Suiça

I recently enjoyed this wonderful Brazilian lemonade, Limonada Suiça, at one of my favourite breakfast/brunch places in Amsterdam. It’s very easy to make and it’s incredibly refreshing on a warm summer day. You do need a solid blender that’s up to the task as you’re blending a whole lime (preferable organic) skin and all. By using the whole lime, including its peel, you are benefiting from all the lime’s nutritional benefits. Most of the vitamin C is found, not in the juice, but in the peel. I am not a big fan of sweet lemonades but I love the distinctive bitter flavour of Limonada Suiça. Read More

Skin Glow Juice

Skin Glow Juice

This refreshing, crisp and clean Skin Glow Juice, when consumed regularly, will help you get smooth, soft and glowing skin. This juice is rich in chlorophyll, a powerful antioxidant, which is responsible for the green pigment in this juice. Chlorophyll helps the transport of oxygen to your muscles, tissues, organs, brain and cells. It gives you more energy, increases focus and helps detoxify the body, removing built-up toxins, which can manifest in skin problems such as acne, pimples or a grey and dull skin tone.Read More

Lymph Booster Juice

Lymph Booster Juice

Keep your body’s drains flowing with this powerful lymph booster juice! The lymphatic system plays an important role in detoxification. It removes waste from every cell in the body and helps to regulate the immune system. For detoxification, it is important to that the detox channels of the lymph are open so your body is able to properly remove toxins from your body. So keep your body hydrated and your body’s drains flowing with this powerful Lymph Booster Juice! Read More

Kumquat Cough Remedy

Kumquat Cough Remedy

If you have a sore throat or a nagging cough, this Kumquat Cough Remedy will give you quick relief. According to traditional Chinese medicine, kumquat helps eliminate phlegm and can alleviate your cold symptoms. This is my version of a cough and sore throat remedy. I like the freshness of the raw juice but if you’re feeling quite sick, I recommend trying fresh kumquat tea with raw honey instead to help soothe your sore throat.Read More

Persimmon Ginger Smoothie

Persimmon Ginger Smoothie

This sweet and creamy Persimmon Ginger Smoothie almost tastes like dessert. Persimmons are sweet and delicious. They add a lovely creaminess to your smoothies. When fully ripe, the flesh is soft and almost has a pudding-like texture. If you have a sweet tooth, you are going to love their sweetness. Persimmons are nutritional powerhouse too, rich in dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. They are also a great source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help prevent free radical damage.Read More

Anti-Flu Juice

Anti-Flu Juice

This Anti-Flu Juice with fresh turmeric, ginger, red chili, oranges, carrots, lemon and sweet potato contains all you need to make your own cold and flu home remedy. It can help you to get rid of your cold if you have one or to keep a cold at bay when you are feeling a bit under the weather. Ginger and honey are well documented to boost the immune system. Ginger and turmeric are natural pain killers and both have very powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
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Iron Booster Juice

Iron Booster Juice

This Iron Booster Juice boosts your iron levels, your immunity and your energy levels. Iron is an essential mineral that plays an important role in the transport of oxygen to cells. It is incredibly important for energy and stamina. An iron deficiency depletes cells of oxygen, which can result in fatigue, dizziness, low stamina, irritability and a weak immune system. Women require more iron than men for a variety of reasons, such as menstrual flow. If you are a woman and a vegetarian or vegan, you are at a higher risk for iron deficiency (anaemia). Read More

Cranberry Beet Orange Juice

Cranberry Beet Orange Juice

This Cranberry Beet Orange Juice is a great way to enjoy the many health benefits of raw, fresh cranberries. Most people can’t stand to eat fresh cranberries alone as they are extremely tart. When you juice fresh cranberries with sweet fruits like oranges and apples, the sourness moves into the background. I particularly love the combination of fresh cranberries and oranges. This Cranberry Beet Orange Juice is sweet, citrusy and earthy with just a hint of sourness. Read More

Electrolyte Sports Drink

Electrolyte Sports Drink

This Do-It-Yourself Electrolyte Sports Drink can be used any time of day to stay properly hydrated or before or during your workout to boost your nutrient intake and replenish electrolytes. Electrolytes are essential to keep your body in balance! They help move glucose and other nutrients into your cells, and help remove waste products, such as lactic acid, from your cells. When you’re properly hydrated, your lactic acid build-up slows down so you can literally go on for longer.Read More

Red Beet Grapefruit Juice

Red Beet Grapefruit Juice

This delicious Red Beet Grapefruit Juice is rich in nutrients and a great cleanser. When summer turns into fall, I always feel like cleaning up my diet and my life. Summer is my season for indulging. Fall is when I clean up and restore balance. This Red Beet Beet Grapefruit Juice is excellent for detoxification. Beets are grounding, they help detoxify the liver and stimulate digestion. The ginger, cinnamon and orange blossom honey add some warmth and sweetness to this slightly bitter and earthy juice. Read More

Fresh Fig Green Smoothie

Fresh Fig Green Smoothie

This energising Fresh Fig Green Smoothie is an excellent way to start your day. Figs are a great source of energy without crashing your blood sugar. Figs are not only utterly delicious and a great source of energy; they are very healthy too. Rich in dietary fiber, potassium, calcium and manganese, figs can help with sugar balance, weight management and the regulation of blood pressure. This time of the year beautiful ripe figs are abundant. I like to get the most of them while the season lasts. Nothing beats the unique taste and texture of sweet, ripe, fresh figs. Read More

Apple Cucumber Celery Juice

Apple Cucumber Celery

This Apple Cucumber Celery Juice celebrates simplicity. It has no more than four ingredients. It’s clean and refreshing. It tastes delicious and it’s really good for you too. Although I love my super foods and exotic products like coconut juice and durian and I don’t with to be without them anymore, I do notice a need to return to simplicity in the way I prepare and connect to food I eat. Read More

Strawberry Frozen Coconut Yoghurt

strawberry frozen coconut yogurt

Celebrate summer with this refreshing strawberry frozen coconut yogurt with succulent and sweet strawberries & a little lime juice for a perfect balance of slightly tart and sweet. It’s crazy delicious and I am pretty sure once you have tried it that you are hooked and cannot think of something else for at least a while. I can’t really pin-point why I love coconut yoghurt so much. But it comes really close to my version of bliss: it’s sweet, tangy and so refreshing. Read More

Mouth-watering Summer Mocktails

Healthy and delicious mocktail recipes

Ever wondered what to drink when you are not drinking? Enjoy these delicious and healthy mocktail recipes! These recipes guarantee a good evening with sunshine, food and friends. You can enjoy them guilt-free, have as many as you like, party all night long and still wake up feeling fully refreshed and alive the next morning. Why waste a beautiful sunny day on a hangover?Read More

Watermelon Electrolyte Booster

Watermelon Coconut Electrolyte Booster

This Watermelon Coconut Electrolyte Booster gives you a natural electrolyte recharge. After an intense workout it is important to replenish the fluids, electrolytes and glucose that were lost during your workout. Replenishing electrolyte levels is crucial for recovery after a workout, especially when you are sweating a lot. You lose electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) when you sweat. Watermelon, young coconut juice and a bit of Himalaya salt help to restore your fluid and electrolyte balance and to speed up your recovery. Read More

Pear Kiwi Goji Berry Smoothie

This sweet and delicious Pear Kiwi Goji Berry Smoothie is a real surprise to your taste buds. Often my kitchen disasters end up becoming my greatest recipes. I had a brilliant plan for a smoothie combo in my head but the fruits I planned to use were not ripe yet. When things like this happen, I end up combining whatever I have at home. Often the strangest, most unusual, and bizarre combinations work out amazingly well. This combo of kiwi, pear and goji berries is definitely one of those quirky combos that can happen by accident only but I love it. Read More

Mango Spinach Coconut Smoothie

Mango Spinach Coconut Smoothie

This bright-green Mango Spinach Coconut Smoothie with mango, spinach and young coconut is a great way to fuel your body. It gives you a natural energy boost. Mango and banana are naturally sweet which help to balance the flavor of the spinach. Chia seeds are a great source of protein with all 8 essential amino acids and is rich in fiber, Omega 3 fats and minerals. Coconut flour like Chia seeds is another complete source of protein. It is high in fiber and helps support healthy digestion. Both coconut flour and oil contain healthy MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are used immediately by the body to create energy. Read More

Grapefruit Carrot Fennel Juice

Grapefruit Carrot Fennel Juice

This Grapefruit Carrot Fennel Juice is sweet, tart and tangy all at the same time. It is not only delicious. It is really healthy too. I love the combo of grapefruit, fennel and carrot in a salad so I thought why not make a juice out of it. Grapefruit is a great source of vitamin c, a vitamin that helps to support the immune system. The rich pink color of grapefruit is due to lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radical damage. Research suggests that lycopene-rich foods such as apricots, pink grapefruit, guava, papaya and watermelon can help lower cholesterol and even reduce the risk of getting diseases like diabetes and cancer. Read More

Spring Detox Juice

Spring Detox Juice

This Spring Detox Juice will gently detox your system and help your body transition from heavy winter foods to lighter spring foods. In Spring and Summer we naturally feel lighter and more energetic. However, at the beginning of Spring we often still feel that heaviness of winter and we may need to eliminate toxins to feel light and fresh again. As the days are getting warmer, and days at the beach are creeping closer, you might want to consider cleaning up your diet. Read More

Berry Coconut Yoghurt Smoothie

Berry Coconut Yoghurt Smoothie

This Berry Coconut Yoghurt Berry Smoothie is so delicious and really good for you. It boosts your immunity and is a great breakfast or recovery sports drink. I only recently discovered coconut yoghurt at a health food store in Amsterdam and I have fallen head over heels in love with it. Coconut milk yoghurt tastes unbelievably good. It contains plant-based probiotic cultures which aid with digestion and support gut health. Read More

Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie

Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie

Did you know that including anti-inflammatory foods like raspberries in your diet make all the difference in your recovery from a work-out? This Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie is high in anti-inflammatory nutrients and will help your body heal from the natural stress and inflammation caused by your work-out. This Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie makes a great breakfast or recovery smoothie after an intense work-out. Read More

Orange Pineapple Ginger Smoothie

Orange Pineapple Ginger Smoothie

This Orange Pineapple Ginger Smoothie is another sunny smoothie. Pineapple tastes amazing in smoothies. It has a sweet and exotic flavor, but is also know for its many health benefits. Pineapple is high in vitamin C which can help fight off infections. It also contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein. It can supports digestive health and aid in digestion. Bromelain is also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Pineapple is alos a great source the trace mineral manganese, which a component of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps fight free radicals. Free radicals occur naturally in the body but can damage our cell membranes and DNA. They can speed up the aging process and even play a role in the development of many diseases.Read More

Let the Sun Shine Juice

Let the Sun Shine Juice

This Let the Sun Shine Juice is a celebration of these lovely bright sunny days we have been enjoying lately. It inspires to me to add some sunshine to my food as well. This Let the Sun Shine Juice lets you glow from within. It is packed with Vitamin C and super-antioxidants called bioflavonoids. I make sure I use organic produce so I can juice the whole fruit. The skin is where all the Vitamin C is. Vitamin C is a great health boost and it aids in detoxification so it’s a great addition to your diet if you want to jump-start your whole system in Spring. The bioflavonoids in citrus fruits help to improve circulation, lower cholesterol, speed up your recovery from exercise or exercise related injuries. The beneficial bioflavonoid super antioxidants are found in the piths of Citrus fruits. This is why I always juice the whole fruit.Read More

Apple Beet Carrot Juice

Apple Beet Carrot Juice

This Apple Beet Carrot Juice is a real classic combination. I used purple carrots in this one and added a bit of fresh ginger for some extra spice. Did you know carrots originally weren’t orange at all? They were originally purple or red. Orange carrots came about through both a process of natural mutation and later domestication by most likely Dutch breeders. Purple carrots (usually orange inside) have even more beta carotene than their orange carrots. They derive their purple pigment from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can help prevent free radical damage. Other fruits and veggies rich in anthocyanins are red beets, red cabbage and cranberries. Read More

Cinnamon Ginger Carrot Juice

Cinnamon Ginger Carrot Juice

This Cinnamon Ginger Carrot Juice can help reduce inflammation. Whether you are an athlete or just working out a couple of times a week in the gym, inflammation is a natural part of recovery. If our diet is high in inflammatory foods or you are working out too much, inflammation can build up in our system. This can negatively impact your recovery as an athlete. By increasing your intake of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods the oxidative stress that builds up during a training session can be eliminated. Anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as ginger, cinnamon and turmeric, can help you recover from a training session. Read More

Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie

Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie

This Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie is a green smoothie in disguise. Romaine Lettuce is rich in chlorophyll but has a rather neutral flavor. Green smoothies can sometimes have a distinct bitter taste. Romaine Lettuce works great for making a a lighter and sweeter smoothie. In this smoothie it helps to bring out the fruitiness and sweetness of the strawberries instead of overpowering it. If you are craving something sweet, this Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie is a great healthy fix. The combination of strawberries, banana, cacao, avocado and almond milk creates a silky smooth, creamy chocolate drink. This Strawberry Chocolate Smoothie is the best way to get a healthy chocolate fix! Read More

Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice

Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice

This Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice is great before a work-out or if you need just that little bit of extra energy. Research into the benefits of beet juice have showed that drinking beet root juice before your work-out can reduce the amount of oxygen you need to perform as an athlete. As such it is an effective pre-workout energiser and can boost your performance. As it makes your muscles work more efficiently, it can even help to increase your endurance and reduce post-workout fatigue.It’s not just great to boost performance before your work-out, it makes a great recovery drink too as it high in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. Read More

Pineapple Mint Cucumber Smoothie

Pineapple Mint Cucumber Smoothie

This Pineapple Mint Cucumber Smoothie reminds me of Ibiza and hot summers. It’s a great drink on a hot summer day but also a fantastic electrolyte boost after a long workout. Replenishing electrolyte levels is crucial for recovery after a workout and can help boost performance in the long run. Most store-bought sport drinks, however, are loaded with sugar, additives and have little or no nutritional value. If you regularly exercise for more than an hour, replenishing electrolyte levels and getting the right nutritional building blocks in your body is a must. Read More

Alkalising Recovery Juice

Alkalising Recovery Juice

This Alkalising Recovery Juice with citrus fruit is tasty, refreshing and best of all, it boost your recovery after an intense work-out. Did you know that eating alkalising foods is crucial to repair your body after a work-out? Physical exertion builds up lactic acid in the body. In an acidic body lactic acid is not properly flushed out of your system. Instead it builds up in your body, which can result in post-workout tension, fatigue and muscle stiffness. Ever suffer from days of muscle soreness and fatigue after an intense work-out without understanding why? Check out what you ate the days before your work-out and the days after.Read More

Pomegranate Aloe Vera Smoothie

Pomegranate Aloe Vera Smoothie

This delicious and refreshing Pomegranate Aloe Vera Smoothie is anti-oxidant rich and great for reducing inflammation. Both pomegranate seeds and aloe vera gel are powerful antioxidants and contain potent anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. Antioxidants help to minimize the effects of free radical damage to your cells caused by oxidation. Living in our modern world, we cannot avoid the production of free radicals but we can consume foods that help neutralize their potential damage. Increasing the amounts of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich foods you consume can dramatically improve your health. Read More

White Lightning Juice

White Lightning Juice

This White Lighting Juice with white turmeric, honey, lemon and coconut water derives its name from its effect on your taste buds. They will light up in new and surprising ways. A big part of is due to the type of turmeric I have used in this juice. My friend recently told me about white turmeric which I have wanted to buy forever but had never been able to find. She gave me some yesterday and here’s the result, a juice that will literally light up your taste buds. White turmeric has a lighter, whiter flesh than yellow turmeric, but its flavor is more pronounced and in my opinion more delicate. Read More

Sweet Potato Carrot Orange Juice

Sweet Potato Carrot Orange Juice

This Sweet Potato Carrot Orange Juice is spectacular. Initially, I wasn’t drawn to the idea of juicing sweet potatoes. Juicing sweet potatoes? You must be kidding me! Or that’s what I would have said to you not so long ago. The idea of juicing this starchy vegetable just sounded plain weird. But as I found out, sweet potatoes make the tastiest, sweetest, smoothest and most nutritious juice I have ever tasted. They are super-healthy too. Read More

Red Power Juice

Red Power Juice

This Red Power Juice is super cleansing but not for the faint of heart. It contains beets, red cabbage, fennel and apples. Red power is the new green power. We tend to go for green juices but beets and red cabbage have so many outstanding benefits. Beets are amazing. They have a strong, earthy taste, are amazing liver cleansers and chock-full of vitamins. They build up blood cells and stimulate the lymphatic system. Red cabbage is great for juicing, and it is truly one of the most nutritious vegetables around.Read More

Digestive Calm Juice

Digestive Calm Juice

This Digestive Calm Juice uses fennel and pear to relax the digestive system. Fennel reduces intestinal cramping, gas, flatulence and bloating. People with leaky gut or Inflammatory Bowel Disease can benefit from fennel because of its antispasmodic qualities that help to relax the digestive system and its anti-inflammatory effects. Pears are great for digestive health as they are rich in pectin, which is soothing for the digestive system. Read More

Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate

Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate

I love the warming and comforting effect of a great Chai Latte and the intensity of a hot chocolate. This recipe combines the best of both worlds. It is the perfect drink on a cold day, wrapped up in a warm blanket. For most of us when we get a craving, it’s for sugar, especially in the afternoon or right after dinner. This Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate will satisfy your sweet tooth without creating a dramatic spike in your blood sugar levels. The best way to get a quick pick me up while enjoying the sweetness of life.Read More

Alkalinity Booster Juice

This Alkalinity Booster Juice is divine! I came upon it by accident while throwing my left-over veggies and fruits in the juicer. It’s so delicious!! I have juiced the peel of the oranges which gives it a slightly bitter taste but that’s where all the Vitamin C is. The fragrant Bergamot orange adds a special touch to this juice. It’s somewhere in between a lemon and an orange. I love its perfumy citrusy smell. There’s a good reason why it’s used a lot in perfumes. Read More

Flu Fighter Smoothie

This Flu Fighter Smoothie gets its amazing Vitamin C boost from the blueberries, the lime and the camu camu, an Amazonian superfruit that’s rich in beneficial phytonutrients. This is a high-nutrient smoothie that gives you fuel to fight infection and disease, a great fortifier during the cold season. I’ve made this on days that I had flu-like symptoms. Each time I was up and running again the next day. The Spirulina will make this smoothie dark green. Don’t worry it tastes super healthy!Read More