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Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie

Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie

This refreshing and tangy Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie is a great way to start your day or to nourish your body after a work-out. Blackcurrants are true super foods that boast similar health benefits to Brazilian Acai berries. The great part about blackcurrants is that they are locally grown and are easy to find for most of summer. Blackcurrants, like acai berries, are very rich in vitamin C and particularly high in anthocyanins, the purple-black pigment hat colors the skin of the blackcurrant. These potent antioxidants support cardiovascular health, help fight inflammation and stimulate faster muscle recovery after your workout. If you tend to get very sore after a workout or struggling with muscle stiffness, then blackcurrants can play help you literally to loosen up and become more flexible. Research shows that the anthocyanins in blackcurrants boost peripheral blood flow, which can help reduce muscle fatigue and stiffness. Vitamin C also plays an important role in keeping our body strong, flexible and healthy. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, one of the building blocks for our bones, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Maintaining the health of our tissues is especially important for athlete as strenuous exercise can wear out our tissues and cause inflammation. A diet rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants can reduce the inflammation that is a natural result of strenuous exercise.

This Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie is a great way to enjoy as a tasty breakfast but also to increase your intake of protein. Almond milk, chia seeds and hemp seeds supply your body with all the essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and protein are the building blocks for muscle tissue. Amino acids are responsible for cell growth, strength and repair. They facilitate the healing of muscle tissue, and provide the protein that is necessary to nourish your muscle’s cells. Drinking this Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie within 45 minutes after a workout can help speed up your recovery time and build stronger muscles. 


  • 1 punnet (125gr) of blackcurrants
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of almond milk


Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender. Pulse until smooth. Serve right away!

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About chantal

My mission is simple. I want to help ambitious people to create a life that deeply matters to them. I do this work because I love helping people. I believe that we all have incredible gifts to share. I want to amplify the good in you and help you achieve positive, lasting change and behavior; for yourself, your people and the world around you. In my years of coaching, I have helped many coaching clients overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors to greater fulfillment. I have seen the lives of my clients shift in such positive and profound ways when they started to build their lives around their personal values, strengths, passions and joys in life. As a coach, I help people understand how your beliefs and the environments you operate in can trigger self-defeating behaviors. I help people develop their gifts and leverage their natural strengths to achieve greater success and fulfillment. Through simple steps I help people build and sustain a more meaningful life.

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