These Matcha Hemp Recovery bites help speed up your recovery post-workout.Read More
Tag Archives: post-workout recovery
Spicy Turmeric Green Smoothie
This Spicy Turmeric Green Smoothie with sea buckthorn boosts your immunity. Read More
Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie
This refreshing and tangy Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie is a great way to start your day or to nourish your body after a work-out. Blackcurrants are true super foods that boast similar health benefits to Brazilian Acai berries. The great part about blackcurrants is that they are locally grown and are easy to find for most of summer. Blackcurrants, like acai berries, are very rich in vitamin C and particularly high in anthocyanins, the purple-black pigment hat colors the skin of the blackcurrant. These potent antioxidants support cardiovascular health, help fight inflammation and speed up muscle recovery. Read More
Bee Happy Smoothie
This Bee Happy Smoothie with raw cacao and bee pollen is not just super delicious, it makes you happy too! Strawberry, banana and chocolate are a match made in heaven but there’s so much more to this heavenly smoothie! Almond milk, flax and hemp seeds are all great sources of mood-enhancing omega 3 fatty acids. Raw cacao is not only an extraordinary anti-oxidant but it can also help improve our mood, as it boosts serotonin, endorphin and anandamide levels in our brain.Read More
Liquid Sunshine Smoothie
This refreshing and delicious Liquid Sunshine Smoothie is rich in anti-oxidants and nutrients that do only boost your immune system but are also responsible for keeping our skin healthy and glowing. As an immunity-booster, Vitamin C aids the production of white blood cells and antibodies that help fight off infections. Getting in plenty of Vitamin C on a daily basis can even improve your mental balance, your ability to manage stress and boost your performance as an athlete. Read More
Killer Green Smoothie
This Killer Green Smoothie is a great way to eat your veg and enjoy all the benefits of immune-boosting greens. Greens like spinach and spirulina are rich in minerals and chlorophyll, which aid detoxification and help reduce inflammation. This is especially important if you are an athlete or have a daily yoga practice as it will help speed up the recovery of your body’s tissues. Spinach is also a great source of protein, which is an essential building block for your body to renew itself after a work-outRead More
Silky Smooth Pink Smoothie
This Silky Smooth Pink Smoothie makes an amazing lunch. You won’t believe how creamy and delicious this smoothie is. The avocado and banana gives this smoothie texture but it also makes it filling enough for a meal. If you are struggling with green smoothies, this is a great way ease yourself into the business of smoothie making. This smoothie also makes a great post-workout smoothie and will help replenish your muscles and speed up your recovery. Read More
Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie
Did you know that including anti-inflammatory foods like raspberries in your diet make all the difference in your recovery from a work-out? This Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie is high in anti-inflammatory nutrients and will help your body heal from the natural stress and inflammation caused by your work-out. This Raspberry Lime Apple Smoothie makes a great breakfast or recovery smoothie after an intense work-out. Read More
Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice
This Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice is great before a work-out or if you need just that little bit of extra energy. Research into the benefits of beet juice have showed that drinking beet root juice before your work-out can reduce the amount of oxygen you need to perform as an athlete. As such it is an effective pre-workout energiser and can boost your performance. As it makes your muscles work more efficiently, it can even help to increase your endurance and reduce post-workout fatigue.It’s not just great to boost performance before your work-out, it makes a great recovery drink too as it high in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. Read More