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Apple Banana Cinnamon Cereal

Apple Banana Cinnamon Cereal

This raw Apple Banana Cinnamon Cereal is a tasty, fast and easy to make breakfast which I prepare when I have run out of fresh ingredients to make my morning smoothie or when I am travelling. It is quick to make and it is a nutrient-dense, balanced meal.  It’s rich in fiber, essential fatty acids and protein. It’s something I live on when I am travelling and don’t have access to my blender. It contains everything you need and gives you lots of power and energy for your day. In this raw cereal I have used pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seed, ground flax seeds and almonds but you can use any nuts or seeds you like. I love adding dates for extra energy and I always add some fresh fruit. Depending on where you are in the world, you can add any fresh fruit you like. Bananas and apples are usually available anywhere I travel to but, if you can, go for something local and seasonal.  Feel free to experiment with any ingredients you like. This super easy and fast nutrient-dense Apple Banana Cinnamon Cereal is a great way to start your day!


  • 1 banana, peeled and cut into bite-size chunks
  • 1 apple, cut into bite-size chunks
  • 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp ground flax seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1/4 cup of almonds, chopped
  • 2 fresh Mejdoul dates, deseeded and chopped
  • 1 tsp of fresh ginger, grated
  • cinnamon to taste
  • almond milk

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and top off with almond milk.

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About chantal

My mission is simple. I want to help ambitious people to create a life that deeply matters to them. I do this work because I love helping people. I believe that we all have incredible gifts to share. I want to amplify the good in you and help you achieve positive, lasting change and behavior; for yourself, your people and the world around you. In my years of coaching, I have helped many coaching clients overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors to greater fulfillment. I have seen the lives of my clients shift in such positive and profound ways when they started to build their lives around their personal values, strengths, passions and joys in life. As a coach, I help people understand how your beliefs and the environments you operate in can trigger self-defeating behaviors. I help people develop their gifts and leverage their natural strengths to achieve greater success and fulfillment. Through simple steps I help people build and sustain a more meaningful life.

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