On my visit to Copenhagen last year I fell in love with the porrigde bar, Grød. Grød is Danish for porridge. If you ever get bored with your daily bowl of oatmeal, Grød is the place to go. Grød’s mission is to redefine porridge and to get everyone to enjoy porridge. Last time I was in Copenhagen I packed a whole suitcase with porridge mixes and toppings like freeze-dried buckthorn and raspberries. Grød has recently started selling their porridge mixes in supermarkets in The Netherlands. Grød’s porridge mixes are creative and so tasty. Read More
Tag Archives: Amsterdam
Is coffee healthy or not?
I believe coffee can be part of a healthy lifestyle. This may sound strange coming from a health coach who helps people detox from coffee but I do believe that coffee, or anything else for that matter, is not a problem for your health when used in moderation. However, if you need eight cups of coffee to simply get through your day, it’s a whole different story. Read my 12 tips on how to embrace healthy coffee drinking habits.Read More
Give Presence Event
Last Wednesday Jan the 14th the Dutch lululemon team, Suzan van de Roemer from NL Studio’s and I hosted an event around the theme “Give presence”. From food bloggers to fit girls, we gathered together a great collection of unique people from different backgrounds. They had one thing in common: a passion for inspiring others to live a happier, healthier and more conscious lifestyle. Our event together celebrated the beauty of living in the moment, of giving your presence. Read More
Pop-up Dinner Amsterdam
Our Pop-up dinners welcome young social & creative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirits who like to connect with like-minded people in a setting outside of a commercial restaurant. Dinners are held in the privacy of someone’s home. The purpose is to meet new people, to share ideas and inspire each other, all while enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal. Bring an open mind, a positive, relaxed and curious attitude and a strong desire to connect with new people.Read More
WH’s Fit for Summer event
A few weeks ago I taught yoga to 70 women on the beautiful terrace of the Muziekgebouw on the shore of the river ‘IJ’. The yoga class was part of Women’s Health Fit For Summer event , an event where healthy and fit women could explore different kinds of movement, including bootcamp, yoga, surfing and paddle boarding. The yoga class was part of a partnership with Lululemon, my favourite brand of technical yoga wear. When it was time to teach my yoga class, the rain came pouring down, the winds blew hard and heavy against the building and our yoga mats were soaked right through and almost blew away. Read More
Limonada Suiça
I recently enjoyed this wonderful Brazilian lemonade, Limonada Suiça, at one of my favourite breakfast/brunch places in Amsterdam. It’s very easy to make and it’s incredibly refreshing on a warm summer day. You do need a solid blender that’s up to the task as you’re blending a whole lime (preferable organic) skin and all. By using the whole lime, including its peel, you are benefiting from all the lime’s nutritional benefits. Most of the vitamin C is found, not in the juice, but in the peel. I am not a big fan of sweet lemonades but I love the distinctive bitter flavour of Limonada Suiça. Read More
Mini Weekend Retreat (in Dutch)
Mindful – Matters organiseert in samenwerking met Suzan van de Roemer en Chantal Soeters een weekend-mini-retreat in Friesland. Een mini-retreat betekent 3 dagen lang ontspanning, rust en aandacht voor jezelf. Laagdrempelig, vrolijk en inspirerend ben je bezig met bewustwording. Op het programma staan verschillende en toegankelijke meditaties en laagdrempelige activiteiten om het weekend mindful te beleven. Maar ook: goed en puur eten, bij het haardvuur zitten, door het bos wandelen en goede gesprekken. Of juist stilte als je daar even aan toe bent.Read More