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Tag Archives: soup

Top 5 Recipes to Beat a Cold

It can be challenging to eat healthy when you’ve got a cold and are feeling run down. Everyone gets a cold occasionally but there’s something you can do to speed up your recovery process. Besides taking plenty of rest and drinking your fluids, incorporating certain foods into your diet can help prevent your cold from becoming a worse. I prefer a runny nose to being bed-ridden for a week unable to move or breathe normally. Here’s my top five recipes beat a cold.t, They are just what you need when your body needs to give its undivided attention to fighting off the germs.Read More

Fresh Summer Gazpacho

This fresh summer Gazpacho reminds me of hot summers in Spain. Gazpacho is one of my favorite dishes. This Gazpacho with sweet pointed red peppers, fresh chili, scallions and basil bursts with the flavors of summer. It is so simple and easy to make and very refreshing on a hot day. This soup is ready in under five minutes. The only thing you need to do is to chop up your veggies in big chunks and throw them in a blender. I usually have it for lunch or as a starter. I enjoy it on its own or with some lovely sour-dough bread.Read More

Red Lentil Coconut Soup

This Red Lentil Coconut Soup is yet another great lentil dish. The spices used in this dish not only enhance the taste of this soup, but also make it more nutritious. If you are prone to gas or bloating, adding the right spices can make a world of difference. Fresh ginger and many of the spices used in curry powder such as cumin and coriander help to reduce any of the side effects that legumes are often associated with. Red lentils are super healthy. Rich in dietary fiber, iron, folate and magnesium, they give energy, stabilise blood sugar and support heart health. Read More

Green Power Soup

This Green Power Soup is a heart-warming version of a high-nutrient green juice. When it’s so cold outside, I find it hard to stomach a cold, green juice. But I don’t want to go without that super plant power of a great green juice either. So here’s an heart-warming green power soup that will not only keep you warm on a cold day but will help feed every single cell of your body and eliminate waste. I have used spinach and broccoli in this one but you can add kale, Swiss chard, purslane or any other green leafy vegetable to your taste.Read More

Sweet Pepper Chickpea Soup

This Roasted Sweet Pepper Chickpea Soup is another delicious and easy-to-make soup. The pure and natural flavours of the peppers, shallots and tomatoes are brought out by roasting these wholesome ingredients in the oven first. Roasting is great as it leaves you with more time on your hands to do other things. When the roasting is done, you simply need to add the stock, oven mixture and chickpeas to a high-speed blender and you are ready. It does not require any additional cooking. Read More

Broccoli Sweet Potato Soup

This Broccoli Coconut Sweet Potato Soup is delicious and very easy to make. I love the combination of sweet potatoes and ginger. The ginger and pepper gives this soup a nice kick and bring balance to the sweetness of the potatoes and coconut. A no-nonsense soup with wholesome ingredients that makes a great lunch or a starter. You can puree the soup in a blender for a smooth and creamy texture or serve it as is.Read More