This Cinnamon Ginger Carrot Juice can help reduce inflammation. Whether you are an athlete or just working out a couple of times a week in the gym, inflammation is a natural part of recovery. If our diet is high in inflammatory foods or you are working out too much, inflammation can build up in our system. This can negatively impact your recovery as an athlete. By increasing your intake of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods the oxidative stress that builds up during a training session can be eliminated. Anti-inflammatory nutrients, such as ginger, cinnamon and turmeric, can help you recover from a training session. Read More
Tag Archives: sports nutrition
Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice
This Pomegranate Beet Recovery Juice is great before a work-out or if you need just that little bit of extra energy. Research into the benefits of beet juice have showed that drinking beet root juice before your work-out can reduce the amount of oxygen you need to perform as an athlete. As such it is an effective pre-workout energiser and can boost your performance. As it makes your muscles work more efficiently, it can even help to increase your endurance and reduce post-workout fatigue.It’s not just great to boost performance before your work-out, it makes a great recovery drink too as it high in antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. Read More
Pineapple Mint Cucumber Smoothie
This Pineapple Mint Cucumber Smoothie reminds me of Ibiza and hot summers. It’s a great drink on a hot summer day but also a fantastic electrolyte boost after a long workout. Replenishing electrolyte levels is crucial for recovery after a workout and can help boost performance in the long run. Most store-bought sport drinks, however, are loaded with sugar, additives and have little or no nutritional value. If you regularly exercise for more than an hour, replenishing electrolyte levels and getting the right nutritional building blocks in your body is a must. Read More