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Chantal's Blog

Fig Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding

This Fig Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding with pomegranate seeds and pistachio nuts is infused with the aromatic and fragrant flavours of the Middle East. Green cardamom is great in desserts. It has a spicy, herbal, citrusy character and works really with vanilla, pomegranate and pistachio. Figs and pomegranate are two of my favourite fruits. They work really well together but are also great with pistachios and almonds. This decadent Fig Vanilla Almond Chia Pudding is a great way to indulge yourself with something sweet and delicious while staying healthy at the same time.Read More

Chioggia Beet Carpaccio

This Chioggia Beet Carpaccio with arugula and fresh goat’s cheese balls is such a beautiful and impressive starter. It’s bright and colourful and a real party for your eyes. The pink-white stripes of the chioggia beets contrast beautifully with the white goat’s cheese and green arugula. Due to the pickling the sturdy chioggia beets get a soft but still firm texture which creates a lovely bite in your mouth. The earthiness of the beets is transformed into a more subtle flavour, sweet, refreshing and tangy. The sweet, tangy flavour of the beets combines really well with the soft goat’s cheese, citrusy thyme and bitter arugula. Read More

Green Quinoa Salad

This light and refreshing Green Quinoa Salad combines the earthy and pungent flavours of the Middle-East with the freshness of green herbs. The fresh herb paste made with fresh parsley, dill and fresh mint and extra virgin olive oil is really the star of this dish. It transform the quinoa into something completely different. The bitter flavours of the fresh herbs, arugula and green onion sing in your mouth. For some sweetness I have added dried chopped apricots and I used a Za’atar spice mix to spice things up a little. Za’atar is a dried herb mix used in Middle Eastern cuisine. It’s a real party in your mouth. Read More

Yoga Retreat in Gstaad 2014

During this Yoga Retreat for Foodies, in the beautiful Swiss mountains, Chantal Soeters, certified yoga teacher, foodie and health coach, will share her love for food and yoga and you will learn different ways to nourish yourself through short talks and workshops. Good food is at the essence of a happy, healthy and passionate life. During the retreat, you’ll enjoy pure and delicious food, food that makes you feel happy, nourished and whole. Dinner will be served in Le Grand Bellevue’s flagship restaurant LEONARD’s, which has a Michelin star and offers world-class dining in a sophisticated yet laid-back setting.Read More

Spinach Feta Omelette

This Spinach Feta Omelette with fresh basil is super delicious and very quick to prepare. It’s great for breakfast or lunch and even as a light dinner with a green salad on the side. To cook the omelette, I used a method that is often used in the Provence, which involves turning your omelette around instead of folding it in half. Both sides become nicely browned this way making the omelette even more tasty. Omelettes are such a great way to create a super quick and tasty meal. The best part is that you can add any ingredients you like. Feta cheese, spinach and basil are such a great combination. Read More

Mini Weekend Retreat (in Dutch) 2014

Mindful – Matters organiseert in samenwerking met Suzan van de Roemer en Chantal Soeters een weekend-mini-retreat in Friesland. Een mini-retreat betekent 3 dagen lang ontspanning, rust en aandacht voor jezelf. Laagdrempelig, vrolijk en inspirerend ben je bezig met bewustwording. Op het programma staan verschillende en toegankelijke meditaties en laagdrempelige activiteiten om het weekend mindful te beleven. Maar ook: goed en puur eten, bij het haardvuur zitten, door het bos wandelen en goede gesprekken. Of juist stilte als je daar even aan toe bent.Read More

Kale Pomegranate Spelt Salad

This hearty Kale Pomegranate Spelt Salad is super delicious and combines three of my favourite ingredients: whole spelt berries, shredded Dinosaur kale and pomegranate seeds. This week I saw the first Dinosaur kale or cavolo nero back in stores again. In Europe, you can often find cavolo nero in stores from July to Januari. The crisp sweet pomegranate seeds are the perfect addition to this salad, the freshness of the pomegranate seeds works really well with the chewy spelt berries and hearty, slightly bitter taste of kale. Spelt is high in protein and fiber and has a lovely nutty flavour and chewy bite. Read More

Penne with Basil Almond Pesto

This Penne with Basil Almond Pesto is absolutely delicious. It’s just as great served warm as an evening meal or served cold as a summer pasta salad. It’s the perfect picnic grub or potluck dish. The roasted baby tomatoes and peppers add a phenomenal smoky-sweet flavour and refreshing touch to the pasta dish. The sweetness and freshness of the roasted tomatoes and peppers works really well with the nutty and herby pesto and hearty pasta. For Basil Almond Pesto, I have used roasted slivered almonds and salted ricotta or ricotta stagionata. For a dairy-free version, you can skip the ricotta and use more almonds instead.Read More

Pomegranate Bulgur Salad

This Pomegranate Bulgur Salad with salted ricotta is a tasty light meal for a summer evening, picnic or potluck. It’s not just a very delicious and refreshing meal on a hot summer evening but it’s also a party for the eye with all the bright colours and different textures. The snow-white colour of the salted ricotta strikingly stands out in the salad against the vivid green colour of the fresh herbs, the pink-red color of the pomegranate seeds and the light green colour of the cucumber and celery. In terms of flavour, the sweetness of the pomegranates and dates contrast beautifully with the salty crumbly, salty ricotta, and the nutty bulgur.Read More