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Tag Archives: symptoms

Kumquat Cough Remedy

If you have a sore throat or a nagging cough, this Kumquat Cough Remedy will give you quick relief. According to traditional Chinese medicine, kumquat helps eliminate phlegm and can alleviate your cold symptoms. This is my version of a cough and sore throat remedy. I like the freshness of the raw juice but if you’re feeling quite sick, I recommend trying fresh kumquat tea with raw honey instead to help soothe your sore throat.Read More

Going Gluten-free Can Change Your Life

Could going gluten-free change your life? Many people are unknowingly gluten intolerant or sensitive. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye, spelt and barley. Lots of common foods contain gluten, such as breakfast cereals, bread, pastries and pastas, but also many unexpected foods like soy sauce, ketchup, stock cubes and other processed foods contain gluten. Symptoms of gluten intolerance can be vague and therefore often go unnoticed. Read More