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Tag Archives: muscle

Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie

This refreshing and tangy Blackcurrant Banana Smoothie is a great way to start your day or to nourish your body after a work-out. Blackcurrants are true super foods that boast similar health benefits to Brazilian Acai berries. The great part about blackcurrants is that they are locally grown and are easy to find for most of summer. Blackcurrants, like acai berries, are very rich in vitamin C and particularly high in anthocyanins, the purple-black pigment hat colors the skin of the blackcurrant. These potent antioxidants support cardiovascular health, help fight inflammation and speed up muscle recovery. Read More

Watermelon Electrolyte Booster

This Watermelon Coconut Electrolyte Booster gives you a natural electrolyte recharge. After an intense workout it is important to replenish the fluids, electrolytes and glucose that were lost during your workout. Replenishing electrolyte levels is crucial for recovery after a workout, especially when you are sweating a lot. You lose electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) when you sweat. Watermelon, young coconut juice and a bit of Himalaya salt help to restore your fluid and electrolyte balance and to speed up your recovery. Read More