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Tag Archives: mustard

Jerusalem Artichoke Lentil Salad

This warm Jerusalem Artichoke Lentil Salad is so delicious and very easy to make. I love adding Le Puy lentils to my salads. They have an earthy, delicate flavour and they hold their shape during cooking. They also combine really well with the earthy, nutty and slightly sweet flavour of the Jerusalem artichokes. I have roasted the Jerusalem artichokes in the oven which enhances their natural sweetness. The Mustard Honey Balsamic dressing is sweet and pungent, which is just perfect to balance of the earthiness of the lentils and Jerusalem artichokes. Read More

Indian Spiced Roasted Chickpeas

These Indian Spiced Roasted Chickpeas are the ideal healthy snack. If sweets are not your thing and you love your bag of chips or salty roasted nuts, this is a great healthy alternative. They are nice and crunchy and I love how the spices linger in your mouth after eating them. These Indian Spiced Roasted Chickpeas are best when you make them using dried chickpeas, because they become crispier, but you can use canned chickpeas instead. They are a great snack on the go or a delicious party nibble. Read More

Grapefruit Fennel Arugula Salad

This Grapefruit Fennel Arugula Salad is the perfect summer salad. This Grapefruit Fennel Arugula Salad is so refreshing and combines all the flavours I love: the sweetness of fennel and honey, the delicate bitterness of arugula, the powerful spiciness of mustard, the creamy nuttiness of pine seeds and the freshness of grapefruit and mint.Read More

Apple Radish Arugula Salad

This Apple Radish Arugula Salad is very refreshing. It is a simple dish with clean flavors and a nice crunchy texture. I love the fact that this Apple Radish Arugula Salad is not only healthy and tasty but very pretty too with all those different textures and colors. There’s something really pretty about radishes with their white, almost translucent interior and bright-red margin, but did you know that they are super-healthy too? Radishes are surprisingly rich in vitamin C which supports your immune system and the antioxidants in radishes can help fight free radical damage. Radishes, thinly sliced, are a great addition to any salad and can help you to get your daily healthy dose of vitamin C in. Read More

Beet Apple Mint Salad

This Beet Apple Mint Salad is a brightly coloured, fresh and super-nutritious salad. I use a lot of raw beets in my cooking and juices. Raw beets have endless health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, decreasing inflammation and supporting women’s health. But did you know that beets can even help boost athletic performance? Apparently beets can help increase endurance and reduce fatigue by helping the body to burn oxygen more slowly.Read More

Beluga Lentil Goat Cheese Salad

This Beluga Lentil Goat Cheese Salad is delicious in its simplicity. Over the years I have fallen in love with lentils. I love a good Dahl or lentil soup. There’s something heart-warming and nourishing about lentils. They are also great sources of protein, especially if you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet. rarely eat cheese as I try to avoid dairy but when I do I make sure I enjoy it. You can enjoy this Beluga Lentil Goat Cheese Salad on its own as I often do or as a side-dish to a larger meal or salad.Read More